
They smile and weep to gain their end, Cajole, but never trust a friend, So wise men keep from women far Shunning them like the funeral jar.



Text (not proofread)

एता इसन्ति च रुदन्ति च कार्यहेतो .

विश्वासयन्ति व परं न च विश्वसन्ति ।

तस्मान्तरेण सुशीलसमन्वितेन

नार्यः इमशानघाटका इन वर्जनीयाः ॥ ९ ॥


Text (not proofread)

St. IX . - This Stanza occurs at p . 139 of the Mrichchhakati

ka with variations . gain our text must be corrected to a

in accordance with the reading there . The other differences

may fairly be regarded as real varice lectiones . Aical = pots

used in the cemetry , unholy . - Vasantatilaká .