
Hard is our lot within th' imprisoning womb, Our youth beset with separation's doom, Loathsome our age, the theme of woman's mirth, Say then, ye men, what joy ye find on earth?


  कृच्छ्रेणामेध्यमध्ये नियमिततनुभि: स्थीयते गर्भवासे     कान्ताविश्लेषदु:खव्यतिकरविषमो यौवने चोपभोग: ।   वामाक्षीणामवज्ञाविहसित­वसतिर्वृद्धभावोऽप्यसाधु:     संसारे रे मनुष्या वदत यदि सुखं स्वल्पमप्यस्ति किंचित् ।।३७।। 37. In the womb man lies within impure matter in discomfort with limbs cramped; in youth enjoyment is tainted with the intense suffering of mental distraction arising from separation from our beloved; even old age (is undesirable), being the object of contemptible laughter from women. (Then) oh men, say if there is a particle of happiness in the world. [The idea is that none of the stages of life, beginning from the embryo, are worth living, as they are attended with serious drawbacks.]



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कृच्छ्रणामेव्यमध्ये नियमिततनुभिः स्थीयते गर्भमध्ये

कान्ता विश्लेषदुःखव्यंतिकरविषमे यौवने विप्रयोगः |

नारीणामध्यवज्ञा विलसति नियतं वृद्धभावोप्यसाधुः

संसारे रे मनुष्या वदत यदि सुखं स्वल्पमप्यस्ति किंचित् ॥ १०६ ॥


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CVI . ( a ) नियमिततनु ; नियमितऋतु ° A. निपतात तनु ° T. मतिपतति °

तनु ° : G. ° भंमध्ये ; भँवासे . A. T. K. Bo . ( बवासो Bo.n. ) G. N.

● भेगनें . P. R. ( 6 ) ● ख ; ° खम् . A. ° मे ० ; ° मो . Bo . N. ० ये . T. G. विप्र

यो ° ; चोपभो ? . T. K. Bo . ( orig . Bo.n. ) N.

( e ) नारीणामप्य ; वामाक्षीणाम ° T. K. Bo . ( orig . Bo.n. ) G. N.

° लस ; इस ° A. ° हसि ° T. K. Bo . G. N. ° लसि ० Bo.n. नियतम् ;

वसतो . A. वसतेि : T. K. Bo . G. N. ० वीप्य ; ० बप्प ० . P. R.


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St. CVI .- = cramped , compressed . The second line as it

stands in our text is explained by both commentators , but it cer

tainly seems to involve a pleonasm . " In youth which is painful

through separation there is separation . " The reading of Bo .

and N. would seem to be better . " The enjoyments of youth are

painful by reason of the grief of separation . " ¶¶¶¶ is taken

by the commentator with the second line and to this construc

tion the two T would seem to give support . Râmarshi's read

ing is somewhat different and he takes the whole line as one con

struing ard : with . This I think is better . See St. 111. As

it stands the first I may be taken as meaning again , and 4 :

or some expression of like import must be supplied after .

This construction makes each line contain an assertion and its

reason . The commentator would make the third line only a

mere assertion without reason assigned .-- Sragdhará .


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कृच्छ्रेणामेध्यमध्ये नियमिततनुभिः स्थीयते गर्भमध्ये

कान्ताविश्लेषदुःखव्यतिकरविषमे यौवने विप्रयोगः ।

नारीणामप्यवज्ञाविलसितनियतं वृद्धभावोऽप्यसाधुः

संसारे रे मनुष्या वदत यदि सुखं स्वल्पमप्यस्ति किंचित् ॥ १ ९९ ॥


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199 Om . in NS1 . a ) H10 . 30 विमूत्रां ' ( for कृच्छ्रणा O ) . Wt निपतित- ( for

नियमित - ) . X Y 1.6 G4.5 नीयते ; Y3 नश्यते ( for स्थीयते ) . BCDF45J W Y2-1 T

( G1 - 3.5 M गर्भवासे ; F1 . 2 H गर्भगर्ते ; X Y1G4 गर्भवासः --- 1 ) B D Eat F3-5 I J X1 . 6–4

T G2 - 5 M1 : 3-5 -विषमो ; CW -विषये ; X -विषमैर् 3.5 ( orig . ) यौवनो . E2c Fi Jit

बिप्रयोगा :; 8 ( except G2 . 3 ) चोपभोगः ( M. गाः ) . © ) B Eo . 5 ( and Ec ) F1 3 5 HI

विलसति ( for- विलसित- ) . C वचने ; D Eat Fs J वसतिर् ; F + वपुषो ( for नियतं ) . CF +

H वृद्धभावे BD [ अ ] सार :; F3 [ अ ] सारे ( for [ अ ] साधु : ) . S वामाक्षीणामवज्ञाविहसित ( Y

G2.8 विलसित ; Y2 " विनहत ; G + पहसति ; 15 - पहसित ) वसतिर् ; ( 12 - वनतिर् ; ( iat - वसती )

वृद्ध ( Gst ' त ) भावोप्यसाधुः . d २ ) X Y1.4.17 M ± संसारेस्मिन् ; G1 G 1 संसारे संसारे सन्- ; M3 संसारे

सा . Eot बनन ( 3 ) ; Eoc वदंतु ( = कथयंतु ) ; F4 J3 X 2 वदति ; M3 भवत ( for वदत ) . B

सुखलवोप्यस्ति किं क्वापि ( for यदि - ० व्यस्ति ) . Eat . st X1 स्वल्पमल्पस्ति .

BIS . 1851 ( 711 ) Bhartr . ed . Bohl . 3. 38. Haeb . and Galan 34. lith . ed . I and

III . 35 , II . 94 ; SRB . p . 89.6 ; SRK . p . 93. 7 and p . 99.6 ( Bh . ) ; SU . 1069 ; SSD .

4. f . 23a .