
THE WAY OF THE WORLD In daily journeys of the sun Our little life is quickly done; In anxious duties of the day The hours unnoticed slip away; Though birth and age are ever near, And grief and death, we do not fear: The world forgets its sore distress, Goes mad with wine of heedlessness.


Morn after morn dispels the dark,   Bearing our lives away; Absorbed in cares we fail to mark   How swift our years decay; Some maddening draught hath drugged our souls,   In love with vital breath, Which still the same sad chart unrolls,   Birth, eld, disease, and death.


  आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरह: संक्षीयते जीवितं     व्यापारैर्बहुकार्यभारगुरुभि: कालोऽपि न ज्ञायते ।   दृष्ट्वा जन्मजराविपत्तिमरणं त्रासश्च नोत्पद्यते     पीत्वा मोहमयीं प्रमादमदिरामुन्मत्तभूतं जगत् ।।४३।। 43. Daily, with the rising and setting of the sun, life shortens, and time (i.e., its flight) is not felt on account of affairs heavily burdened with manifold activities. Neither is fear produced at beholding birth, death, old age, and sufferings. (Alas), the world has become mad by drinking the stupefying wine of delusion.



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आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरह : संक्षीयते जीवितं

व्यापार हुकार्यभारगुरुभिः कालो न विज्ञायते ।

दृष्ट्वा जन्मजराविपत्तिमरणं त्रासश्य नोत्पद्यते

पीत्वा मोहमयीं प्रमादमदिरामुन्मत्तभूतं जगत् ॥ ७ ॥


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VII . ( 4 ) ° वितम् ; ° वनम् Bo . ( orig . Bo.n. ) K .; ( 6 ) . न वि ० ; पिन .

N. ( c ) ● पत्ति ; ° योग ° M. ° श्व ; ° स्तु M.


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St. VII .-- the passing away of time is not

perceived , जन्म & o . is a Samáhara Dvandva उन्मत्तेन महाविष्टेन भूतं समं

anda chau cuado : according to Râmarshi . But this is

quite unnecessary and without authority . - S'árdúlavikridita .


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आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरहः संक्षीयते जीवितं

व्यापारैर्बहुकार्यभारगुरुभिः कालो न विज्ञायते ।

दृष्ट्वा जन्मजराविपत्तिमरणं त्रासशू च नोत्पद्यते

पीत्वा मोहमयीं प्रमादमदिरामुन्मत्तभूतं जगत् ॥ १५१ ॥


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151 ) Est at यौवनं ; F + J 1 W3 X 2 जीवनं ( for जीवितं ) . – ) J2 गुरु- ( for बहु- ) .

A8 Ba D Fs - कर्मभार ; X 1 X 8 कार्यभाग- ; G12t M1-3 - भारकार्य- ( for कार्यभार ) . Jat

गुरुणा . D_F3_J X 2 Y2 . 4 – 8 T G2 - 5 Ms कालोपि न ज्ञायते . c ) Eo . 5 ( and Ec )

-वियोग ( for -विपत्ति ) . Es वासस्तु . F2 नोदीयते - d ) Hit मोहमयं . W1 प्रसाद- ( for

प्रमाद ) . [ H1.3 com . उन्मत्तेन मदाविष्टेन भूतं समं अस्ति | उन्मत्ततुल्यमित्यर्थ :; T com .

उम्मत्तभूतं - श्रीवकल्पं . ]

BIS . 931 ( 339 ) Bhartr . ed . Bohl . 3. 44. Haeb . and Galan 40. lith . ed . I.

32 ( 41 ) , II . 7. Subhāsh . 78. Santis . 4. 24 ( Haeb . p . 429 ) ; SRB . p . 369. 80 ;

SBH . 3327 ; SRH . 196. 25 ( Bh . ) ; SN . 298 ; PMT . 292 ( Bh . ) ; SSD . 4. f . 216 ;

SSV . 164 ; JSV . 131. 2 .