
Much have I borne rich hosts to please   Who love to taunt their guests, I've laughed with spirit ill at ease,   And praised their vapid jests; I've mastered wrath with strong control,   And bent the supple knee; Then, hopeless hope, why rack the soul,   Proof against all but thee?


खलालापा: सोढा: कथमपि तदाराधनपरै-   निर्गृह्यान्तर्बाष्पं हसितमपि शून्येन मनसा । कृतो वित्तस्तम्भ­प्रतिहतधियामञ्जलिरपि त्वमाशे मोघाशे किमपरमतो नर्तयसि माम् ।।४।। 4. In our servile attendance on the (wealthy) wicked, their shabby manners and talk we have somehow put up with; suppressing tears that welled up from our hearts, we have smiled out of vacant minds; obeisance we have made to dullards stultified by too much wealth; in what more fooleries wouldst thou have me dance, oh Desire, thou of ungratified yearning! [वित्तस्तम्भप्रतिहतधियाम्—those rendered dull in intellect by in­ac­tivity due to too much wealth. मोघाशे—with hopes thwarted. Another reading is चित्तस्तम्भ: as a separate word. The meaning then would be: ‘We have restrained our feelings and made obeisance,’ etc.]



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खलोछापाः सोढाः कथमपि तदाराधनपरै

निगृह्यान्तर्वाष्पं हसितमपि शून्येन मनसा |

कृतचित्तस्तम्भः प्रतिहतधियामञ्जलिरपि

त्वमाशे मोघाशे किमु परमतो नर्तयसि माम् ॥ ६ ॥


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VI . ( a ) ° लोका ० ; ° ळाळा ° A. N. ° लोळा ° B. तदा ; नृग ° B. ( c ) ° त .

वि ० ; ° तो चि ० B. M. ° तो वि ० A. J. P. R. N. Bo.n. ° भः प्र ; 9 भप्र P.

R. ° तिह ° ; ° इसि ° C. K. ( d ) ० मप ० ० प ० . Bo ( orig . Bo.n. ) K. T.


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St. VI . - blank i . e . without really feeling that which

occasions the f . : = steadying of the mind i . e . con

trolling and suppressing the different condemnatory thoughts

that arise in the mind . Comp Uttararâmacharita p . 76. (

न्तःकरणस्य . ) प्रतिहतधियाम् = senseless . आशे मोघाशे , the first भाशा is the

principle of desire or avarice , the second is particular desires . H

: , Râmarshi gives far as an alternative meaning for

the second ; but from a meaning can be got only by

a little straining . -comp . St. 13 ( Miso . ) infra - S'ikhariņi .


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खलोल्लापाः सोढाः कथमपि तदाराधनपरैर् :

निगृह्यान्तर्बाष्पं हसितमपि शून्येन मनसा |

कृतो वित्तस्तम्भप्रतिहतधियामञ्जलिरपि

त्वमाशे मोघाशे किमपरमतो नर्तयसि माम् ॥ १५० ॥


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150 ) Est Y3 खलोल्लासा : ; F3 X Y1 . 2 T_G4_M खलालापाः ; Ws खलाल्लापाः ; Gat

खलोल्लोपाः . – ' ) D निगृह्यांतर्बाह्यं ; F2 ' यैतद्वाप्पं ; W2 . ' ह्यांते बाष्पं ; W : ' ह्यं तद्वाप्पं . - . )

A E2 F4.4m.v. X Y : कृतश्चित्त - ; E + 5 Fs W 1 कृतोचित्त E ( except Eit ) F3 5 J28X1

स्तंभ :. ( E com . चित्तस्तंभः कृतः ) . B1 W2-1 Y2 ( by corr . ) प्रणिहित . d a ) Eo . 4

( and Ec ) मोघासि ; G2.3 [ s ] मोघाशे ( com . अमोघाशे - अप्रतिहतोद्योगे ) . I X 2 T2.3

किमपरमितो ; J2 किमपि रमतो ; J3 W1 किमु परमतो . J [ S ] नर्थयसि . F2om . मामू .

BIS . 2047 ( 801 ) Bhartr . ed . Bohl . Haeb . lith . ed . I , II , III and Galan 3 .

6 ; SRB . p . 77. 43 ( Bh . ) ; SBH . 3261 ( Bb . ) ; SRH 175 25 ( Bh . ) ; SRK . p . 87 .

9 ( Śp . ) ; SHV . t 76b . 860 ( Bh . ) ; SL . f . 40a ; SSD . 4. f . 7b .