
PREACHING He longs, with twigs from lotus-bowers   To bind an elephant, He strives, with softest siris-flowers   To sever adamant, He yearns, with honey-drops alone   To sweeten ocean's taint, Who hopes, with sugar-coated tone   To make a rogue a saint.


As well attempt to pierce with flowers the diamond of the mine, As well attempt with honey-drops to sweeten ocean's brine, As well go bind with lotus-bands the lord of forest herds, As strive to lead in wisdom's ways the bad with sugared words.



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ज्यालं बालमृणालखन्तुभिरसी रोडुं समुज्जृम्भते

छेत्तुं वज्रमणीशिरीषकुसुमप्रान्तेन संनद्यते ।

माधुर्यं मधुविन्दुना रचयितुं क्षाराम्बुधरेरीहते

नेतुं वाञ्छति यः खलान्पथि सतां सूक्तैः सुधास्यन्दिभिः ॥ ६ ॥


Text (not proofread)

VI . ( a ) व्या ० ; बा ° I. ° डज़ ; अ ● ० ( ° ज्ज ° ? ) G. ( 6 ) छे ० ; भे ०

Bo.n. K. D. M. N.P.R. - शि ° ; ° णिं शि . K. Be.n. N. ● णीश . ०

स.- ~ ° झते ; ° ह्यति . Be . Bo . K. D. N. ( c ) . क्षा ० .; क्षी ० . Bo . ( d ) खळा

न्याये सताम् ; सत पथि खलान् . Bo . Be . K. D. M. R. P. - The whole

fourth line is मूर्खान्यः प्रतिनेतुमिच्छात बळाव्सूक्तैः सुभास्यन्दिभिः in N.


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St. VI .. The commentator takes this to mean serpent ,

which may find some justification in St. 91. Elephant , however ,

is ' a preferable rendering see St. 91 and St. 17. a . The

commentators render this by 5 , I am not aware of any other

use of the word in this sense . Does it mean ' set to work ' re

ferring to the yawn which precedes a recommencement of work

after exhaustion ? is given as meaning in the

Medini Kosh . A friend suggests that it may be from one

meaning of H viz . to spread , and that this may mean spreading

out of energy , i . e . , work . But I am not sure of either meaning .

And this latter meaning itself seems to be got by a figure from

the sense of " yawning " which alone is given at Siddh . Kaum .

II . 57. - S'Ardúlavikriḍita .


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व्यालं बालमृणालतन्तुभिरसौ रोडुं समुज्जृम्भते

भेत्तुं वज्रमणीञ् शिरीषकुसुमप्रान्तेन संनह्यते ।

माधुर्यं मधुबिन्दुना रचयितुं क्षाराम्बुधेरीहते

नेतुं वाञ्छति यः सतां पथि खलान् सूक्तैः सुधास्यन्दिभिः ॥ ६७ ॥


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67 a 4 ) X2 नागं ( for व्यालं ) . B1 अलं ( for असौ ) . X Y1 समुत्कंठते ( for ' जम्भते ) .

6 ) J2 Y8 छेत्तं ( for भेत्तं ) . F4 X Y ( except Y3.7 ) T1 G2 . 4 वज्रमणिं . C संबध्यते ;

Est_F I Y1 . 36-8 T G1.20.35 M1 - 3 संनयति . 67ed is missing in X1 . www c )

A0 . 1. 8 मधुबिंदुनो . D रचयतुं . Eit F + क्षीरांबुधेर् . T3 ईह्यते - 4 ) A2 येतुं ( for नेतुं ) .

A3 W1-3 . 4 ( orig . ) transp . सतां and खलान् . 12 यस्तु सत्पथि ; J2 यस्य तान्प्रति ( for

यः सतां पथि ) . J1 ( corrupt , apparently ) स तान्प्रति खलान् . W ( by corr . ) Y2.4-4 ' T '

GB ( orig . ) . 4 M3.5 मूर्खान्यः ( Y4.5.7 ° खें यः ) प्रतिनेतुमिच्छति ; Y1 G1 2 3 ( by corr . ) ) . , 5

M1 . 2. 4 मूर्खान्यः पथि ( Go परि- ) नेतुमिच्छति ( for नेतुं – पथि ) . Fs मुक्तान् ; W + ( by corr . )

Y2.4 - 8 T G15 M3.5 बलात् ; Y1 G2.3 M1 . 2. 4 सतां ; G + नरः ( for खलानू ) . Is सदा

साधुभिः ; Y1 ( c.v. as in text ) सुधास्पर्धिभिः .

BIS . 6330 ( 2920 ) Bhartṛ . ed . Bohl , and lith . ed . II . 2. 6. Haeb . 90. lith . ed .

I. 5. Galan 8 ; SRB . p . 41. 67 ; SRK . p . 34. 4 ( Blı . ) ; Vairāgyaśataka of Padmā

nanda ; SS.D. 2. · f . 131b .