इयत्येतस्मिन्वा निरवधिचमत्कृत्पतिशये
वराहो वा राहुः प्रभवति चमत्कारविषयः ।
महीमेको मनां यदयमवहद्दन्तसलिलैः
शिरःशेषः शत्रुर्निगिलति परं संत्यजति च ॥ ३ ॥
St. III . - This Stanza is rather puzzling . The third line al
ludes to the third Avatara of Vishnu ( for which see Matsya Pu
râņa CCLXVIII . , 63 et seq . ) . The last to eclipses for which
see Matsya Purina CCLI . , 16. - : would be a better read
ing , though the mea ning remains the same . The first two lines
should probably be rendered as follows : - " In this excess of
boundless wonder which is so great , the Varâha or Rahu is prin
cipally the object of wonder . Since the one & c . " I cannot explain
the in af . There must be something wrong in the
Stanza . But only one copy has it , and I can make no conjecture
at a better reading . - S'ikharini .