साहित्य संगीतकलाविहीनः
साक्षात्पशुः पुच्छविषाणहीनः ।
तृणं न खादन्नपि जीवमान
स्तद्भागधेयं परमं पशूनाम् ॥ १२ ॥
St. XII . - It is not easy to say whether stands
for two or three things . In one copy of the commentary it is
explained to be साहित्यस्य संगीतस्य कळा . And though साहित्य ( litera
ture , composition ) may , perhaps , be called a kalâ , it does not
appear eo nomine , nor apparently even by implication , in the
list of kalâs given in the gloss on the Kâvyâdars'a ( p . 433 ) . We
may , perhaps , take the compound as equal to three things , or
साहित्य and संगीतकला . जीवमान is noteworthy . I am indebted for the
explanation of it to Mr. Râjârâm S'astri Bodas of Elphinstone
College . It means " accustomed to live . " See Pânini III . , 2 ,
129. - Upajati .