
Bali you've not released from hell nor Death the monster slain, Nor cleansed from spots the moon's fair disk nor put an end to pain, Nor bearing up the earth awhile eased Sesha from the load, Do you not blush to wear the wreath to matchless heroes owed?



Text (not proofread)

पातालान विमोचितो बत वली नीतो न मृत्युक्षयं

नो मृष्टं शशिलाञ्छनं च मलिनं नोन्मूलिता व्याधयः ।

शेषस्यापि धरां विधृत्य न कृतो भारावतारः क्षणं

चेतः सत्पुरुषाभिमानगणनां मिथ्या वहन्न लज्जसे ॥ २६ २६ ॥


Text (not proofread)

St. XXVI . - मृत्युक्षयम् should be मृत्युः क्षयम् as in the Mahānātaka

p . 153 where this Stanza occurs . The last line is not metrical

as it stands . In the Mahânâțaka it runs thus : 7 : ATA AZIKA ( HA (

atzât flûr í f . There are also other differences . - S'ârdû

lavikridita .